
Find all references to defined names in Excel // PerfectXL Academy

Find all references to defined names in Excel

Named ranges (or defined names) are a very useful feature in Excel, but experienced users will agree that it is easy to lose oversight of all instances of reference. In this article we’ll show you how to find all references to your defined names in Excel.

Clean your input data well // PerfectXL Academy

Clean your input data well

Input data is the foundation of your spreadsheet, so pay serious attention to clean it properly. If possible, clean it in such a way that it becomes an automated process for the next time you use the same spreadsheet.

Structure changes in Excel: Columns and Rows // PerfectXL Academy

Structure changes: columns and rows

What happens when you add or delete columns and rows? It happens frequently in Excel and it changes the very structure of the sheet you’re working on.

Dedupe in Excel: Find and remove duplicate values // PerfectXL Academy

Dedupe in Excel: find and remove duplicate values

Deduplication of data is a common problem in Excel. Excel itself offers a practical function to perform simple deduplication, but this deduplication is definitive and difficult to check.

XLOOKUP: the debate is over // PerfectXL Academy

XLOOKUP: the debate is over

XLOOKUP is the newest lookup function in Excel. It joins INDEX & MATCH, VLOOKUP, and HLOOKUP as the newest weapon in the arsenal of formulas used to masterfully locate and supply data across models.

Excel Function Translations: Dutch to English // PerfectXL Academy

Dutch to English

List of Excel function translations from Dutch to English for if you’re familiar with the Dutch version of Excel and you have to work with the English version.