Client Cases
PerfectXL Suite

Strategic Pricing & Cost Management

Automated checks and controls on all outgoing models.

A boutique consultancy firm doesn’t have the resources to extensively manually check every file, PerfectXL allows them to spend the time saved on providing services.

Before PerfectXL

Before implementing PerfectXL this firm had to invest a significant amount of time manually checking models, relaying feedback clearly and concisely, and then training or informing the Excel users on best practices. While this process generally delivered good results, the investment in terms of time was huge, and there was still often the nagging fear of potentially missing something important in these manual checks.

“We love PerfectXL! It’s like an insurance policy for us, we use it on every outbound model to make sure everything is working as we want it to.”

After PerfectXL

The company now has key users analyze any outgoing spreadsheet, proficient users then enrich PerfectXL’s findings with comments or feedback before generating reports to share with users. Users use those reports to solve any issues, learn better modeling practice through following the advice on the reports, then return the auto generated reports with the updated files. This leads to a clear validation trail, and results in higher quality models with much less time invested.



The tools give management and ownership of this consulting firm much more confidence in the files they share with and develop for clients. The risk of mistakes in spreadsheets damaging reputation is mitigated through the use of PerfectXL.

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Five minute scans of all incoming sheets lead to efficient reviews.

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Crucial blunder in consolidation sheet caught on time.

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No more confidential hidden information in client facing models.

Big Four Consultancy Firm

Performing financial model reviews with confidence.

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Standardized audits and documentation for all high risk models

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